About Mann-E Search

What is Mann-E?

Mann-E is a generative artificial intelligence platform specializing on creating images by AI. Mann-E introduced in April 14th 2023 by Muhammadreza Haghiri, young Iranian programmer and entrepreneur.

Later in 2023, Mann-E became a suite of AI tools specializing on generative models for text, image and music. For now, we have Vecentor which is an AI tool to create vector images, Musiqa which is a generative music tool and MaralGPT which is a Large Language Model.

How does this search engine work?

This is a meta-search engine which means it gathers information from other search engines. But whith a little bit of difference. We limit the search results to ten results and then, we summarize those in form of a simple report for you. This makes it easier to find the result of your needs!

How is Mann-E Search different from other search engines?

Other search engines usually give you a bunch of links and you need to open pretty much all of them to find your desired results (thanks to SEO) but Mann-E search just generates a simple report for you. Closest engine to Mann-E search is Perplexity AI but we also took a different approach comparing to them.

They provide a chatbot space, but we just give you a report styled result for both web and news searches.